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Manchester Trip January 19, 2010

Posted by Dreamer in Dreams.
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Chris and I were in Manchester but he had to go somewhere for the day so I was wandering around the place myself. It didn’t look anything like Manchester does in real life. Someone asked me did I know how to get to Old Trafford. I told them we were actually standing across the road from it and it was the door that was painted red and the door beside it led to one of the shopping centres.

Suddenly it was getting dark and I realised I was hungry. I didn’t know what time Chris would be back and I was trying to decide whether to wait for him or to go get pizza. I had wandered down to the docks (I’m aware Manchester isn’t really by the sea) and I wasn’t sure how to get to my favourite pizza restaurant from there.

Then, out of nowhere, Chris appeared. He was asking me what I was doing down at the docks and I said I had just kind of ended up here. I was going to go for pizza but I wasn’t sure of the way and it was getting dark so I was just about to go home. I asked him if he’d eaten and he said that he’d gotten subway. I was like, “Ugh so I could’ve gone for food ages ago”. Chris said that he knew the way to the restaurant though so we’d go for pizza anyway.

Then the dream changed entirely and I was working in some kind of office where I had to compose tunes. I’m not sure what the tunes were to be used for but it might have been advertisements. I had come up with a tune earlier but had forgotten to write it down. My deadline was the end of the day and I knew I had to come up with something.

I bumped into a guy I know from work on the stairs and we got talking about trying to compose our tunes. He said something that clicked in my head and made me remember my tune! It was called artificially hoping or fake hope or something like that. I remembered that I’d somehow made the beat from two fans in my office that clicked at different times. I ran back down the stairs to write it down while it was still in my head.

Having made my deadline I decided it was time for a snack (a very food orientated dream!) so I went to the food storeroom to get some sauce to put on the bag of pasta I had brought with me. The storeroom was really cold and a bit damp. I found the jar of sauce I wanted but every time I went to grab it, a drop of really cold condensation fell on my hand and caused me to withdraw my arm.

I tried looking around for another jar of it but I couldn’t find any. Then I couldn’t even find the original jar anywhere. Two guys came into the storeroom looking for something and they couldn’t find what they wanted either. It was really weird and eventually we all gave up.

I wasn’t even that hungry when I woke up despite dreaming about so much food! I do want pizza though…

Dreamer xxx